Partnership Resources

Partnership Resources

Partnership Resources

Be a Global Mission Church, Conference, or Region
Worldwide Faith News – Find news about your partner on this data base of official news releases and other documents, including policy statements, from the news offices of national and world faith groups.
International resources for worship bibliography – Includes several resources of prayers and liturgical materials from around the world that are currently in print and that note the country of origin of its prayers.
Global Hymn Resource – Find hymns from around the world easily in both the Chalice Hymnal and the New Century Hymnal.
Sing in Chinese! – Sing two hymns using simple phonetic Chinese.
Empty Hands – a reflection on giving and receiving.
To be present: a Quaker reflection – from a book titled Together in Solitude.
Walk with us in our search, a poem by Henri J. M. Nouwen.

Purchasing international gifts
Several traders offer, through “fair trade practices,” handmade items from around the world.