A Letter to the Three Kings from Puerto Rico

A Letter to the Three Kings from Puerto Rico

11 On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. – Matthew 2:11 NRSV

Tres_Santos_Reyes.jpgIt is customary for children in Latin America and the Caribbean to write a letter to the “Three Kings” or “Magi” asking them for gifts on every Christmas. We adults have copied, in some way, that healthy habit.

Many people write asking for Peace, Health, Happiness, etc., all are good requests and we must continue to ask. But it seems to me that this moment in which we live is one that transcends common requests, which are good. That is why my request would be the following: 

Wisdom to understand, with the resources at hand, the reality that we live, transforming what is necessary for the Common Good.

Creativity to think and form proposals that can multiply and that help Social, Economic and Life Development.

Willingness to stand firm, as persons and as communities, to advocate for a viable, joyful and prosperous society, not only in a material way, but in the spiritual.

There are three gifts, three requests, following the custom, that the Baby Jesus received Incense, Myrrh and Gold. There were not necessarily three, but they do have their own meaning and projection.

On this Kings’ Day, prayer is necessary.  It has to be strengthened by the community. Biblical readings teach us that perseverance is a primordial characteristic to keep us alive in the attainment of the Common Good.

I urge you to ask for our families throughout the year, including the families of our relatives, neighbors, community and society. I also request you, as a constant, to pray for those who govern us, agency leaders and government structure. Pray for the development of the economy, so that society, all of it, benefits and can achieve justice and equity for all people. 

Yes, our letter to the Magi has the social and communitarian intention to request what is necessary to foster the society we deserve in our beloved Borikén[1] and Abya Yala[2].

Denounce and propose; Let us accompany and work; Let us pray and preach. 

May God bless Puerto Rico, Latin America and the Caribbean.


Bishop Felipe Lozada
Puerto Rico Council of Churches

[1] Indigenous name for Puerto Rico

[2] Indigenous name for Latin America and the Caribbean.