International Worship Resource

International Worship Resource

This bibliography includes some of the many resources for prayers and liturgical materials from around the world.  All books are readily available from Amazon.

Updated May 2008

Compiled by the Rev. Karen Farthing

600 Blessings and Prayers from Around the World

Geoffrey Duncan, (Twenty-Third Publications, 2001).
This resource includes prayers from English-speaking countries such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. 

1000 World Prayers

Marcus Braybrooke (O Books, 2003)
Prayers, poems, and quotes from many religious traditions around the world, including both historical and contemporary sources. 

An African Prayer Book

Desmond Tutu, editor, (Image, 2006).
This book of African prayers was compiled by Nobel Peace Prize winner and Archbishop, Desmond Tutu of South Africa.  Each prayer is noted both for its country and the indigenous peoples from which it comes. 

Gifts of Many Cultures: Worship Resources for the Global Community

Maren C. Tirabassi and Kathy Wonson Eddy, (Pilgrim Press, 1995)
This resource includes a wide variety of worship materials, including full services, prayers, invocations, benedictions, scripture resources, litanies, artwork, poetry, stories, and descriptions of various worship practices and activities.  The country of origin is listed for each entry, and there is also a complete index by country.

Hallelujah for the Day: An African Prayer Book

Anthony Gittins, editor, (Liguori Publications, 2002)
This book contains 150 prayers from 50 African societies.  Each prayer lists both its ethnic and country of origin, and there is a map of Africa at the beginning of the book showing the locations of the different indigenous peoples. 

Harvest for the World: A Worship Anthology on Sharing in the Work of Creation

Geoffrey Duncan (Pilgrim Press, 2003)
Includes prayers, blessings, graces, and a global selection of recipes.  

In God’s Hands: Common Prayer for the Word

Hugh McCullum, Terry MacArthur (World Council of Churches, 2006)
This book includes prayers and other worship materials encompassing every region and nation of the world, and from many Christians traditions and communities, arranged in a weekly prayer format. 

Of Rolling Waters and Roaring Wind: A Celebration of Woman Song

Edna Orteza, Lynda Katsuno (World Council of Churches, 2000)
Prayers, meditations, poems and reflections, by women around the world, living in different social and cultural contexts and drawing on diverse church traditions. Also includes a series of meditations for Holy Week and some 20 songs of prayer and praise.

Prayers Encircling the World: An International Anthology

(Westminster John Knox Press, 1999)
This resource includes 300 Christian prayers from over 60 countries.  The country of origin is listed for each entry, and the countries are also indexed.  Prayers are organized by theme.

Prayers from the East: Traditions of Eastern Christianity

Richard Marsh  (Augsburg Fortress Press, 2004)
This unique collection of liturgical prayers reveals the great diversity of the Christian East, including the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch, the Coptic Orthodox Church and many others.