Pray for Ecuador on Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pray for Ecuador on Sunday, March 22, 2015

ecuador_1.jpgLectionary Selection: John 12: 20-33

Prayers for Ecuador:
God most high yet here with us! We sometimes think you do not care. We are lonely: full of distrust, pain, sadness.  Even your Son endured much, and we are told, for us.

Why must we die in order to live? Serve instead of being served? Why cannot we be the focus?

The “prince of this world,” the devil, will be driven out. So when will this happen? War stories abound. Glimpses of your love seem too brief.


You promised joy, peace, plenty. And sometimes we experience it all. Sometimes we see it in other’s faces. Sometimes we play a part in making it happen.

May we share love and plenty with those around us. May we, in your name, make life better for those in our city, state, country.  And may we not forget our neighbors to the east, west, north, and south. We pray for Luís who needs new shoes; for Melanie who needs an operation; and for the people of Pusir who are beginning to work together. We also pray that FEDICE continues to give hope to those who need it, in the form of love, in the presence of work groups, and through financial resources.


ecuador_2.jpgMission Stewardship Moment from Ecuador:
A year ago, when individuals in Chaupi were beginning to build their very small “herds” of cows, FEDICE lacked money to continue to offer reimbursable loans. We helped raise the number of dollars so FEDICE could once again offer each participating Chaupi family enough money to buy another calf. For this reason we were invited to see the community complete their debts.  Although our part seems minuscule to the work the families did to feed, care for, milk, and keep their cows healthy, it was a joy to be included in the celebration.

What pride I saw in their faces! They now send children to high school and college. No longer were family members moving to a city for work.  Some continue to live on the mountainside to earn a living selling milk. And members of this somewhat shy community were sharing their accomplishments with FEDICE staff and volunteers. (Think the first few weeks of Toastmaster’s when the fear of public speaking is stronger for some than the fear of death).

Besides receiving funds, FEDICE provided training in healthy maintenance of the animals and of family members. It helped the community to organize themselves so they can help each other and work for the good of the community. This makes FEDICE different from a bank.

Glenn and I are very pleased to contribute both talent and resources in making a difference for people in communities in Ecuador. We believe it is talent and resources very well spent.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Glenn Hebert and Marilyn Cooper

Mission Partners in Ecuador:

More information on Ecuador

Global Ministries Missionaries in Ecuador:
Marilyn Cooper and Glenn Hebert, members of United Christian Church, Austin, Texas, serve with the Ecumenical Foundation for Integral Development, Training and Education (FEDICE). They both work in Christian Education with FEDICE. Their appointments are made possible by your gifts to Disciples’ Mission Fund, Our Churches Wider Mission, and your special gifts.