Pray for the Dominican Republic on Sunday, November 8, 2015

Pray for the Dominican Republic on Sunday, November 8, 2015

IMG_4875.jpegLectionary Selection: Mark 12:38-44

Prayers for the Dominican Republic:
Dear God, we pray today for the Dominican Republic and all those striving to be instruments of change here. Please hold Caminante Education Project in the palms of your hands as they walk with the community toward a future filled with your love and grace. Caminante is here in Boca Chica because your people are calling out with cries of need and neglect and also with hope and sacrifice. Caminante is here to follow your example; projecting and teaching your ways to all who come no matter their age or immigration status.

We acknowledge that ministry can be difficult. Wonderfully, the Gospel tells us that whenever we feel inadequate or overwhelmed, you remind us that our gifts in any form or amount is meaningful. The poverty that surrounds us Lord is real, but it is not a reason to despair. You have provided us with the richness of the Gospel, of brothers and sisters who care for us, and enduring hope for tomorrow. Amen.

IMG_5178.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from the Dominican Republic:

My day begins in the back alleys of Boca Chica. One street behind the glossy tourist center has an alcove where the homeless boys sleep. I walk with my colleague from Caminante, Julio, to wake them up and ferry them to our office where we have showers, clean clothes, and a safe space. These 12-15 year olds are both Dominican and Haitian but all have adopted the amazingly fast Spanish of the Boca Chica streets to complain to me about how early it is. They trudge up Boca Chica’s one hill to Caminante’s office, rubbing the sleep from their eyes and discussing the latest gossip or tussling over something another did.  Persistently, we encourage them to come to Caminante. Deja los problemas muchachos, tranquillos. Let go of the problems boys, calm yourselves. Slowly, these shoe-shiners and egg-sellers transform back into kids as we joke and guide them in Caminante towards an education and a life beyond the streets.

IMG_4800.jpegYou can hear them before you see them. The girls group stream in the door to Caminante’s side annex each afternoon happily yelling “Hola Henry! Vas a dar ingles hoy?” or Hi Henry! Are you going to give English lessons today?” I smile and steer them to our library for their daily reading and then launch into our scheduled programming for the day. Usually we check base, work on their homework, and talk about their rights as kids. These girls enter Caminante having already been to school during the day and are an entirely different population then the boys we see each morning. The girls we help have parents, homes, and are continuing education but still desire that adult presence in their lives that is encouraging them to stay on the right path through high school.

Caminante’s programs reach so many children each year, and I feel privileged to have the opportunity to walk with them in this important ministry.

(Prayer and Mission Moment by Henry Brewer-Calvert)

Mission Partners in the Dominican Republic:

More information on the Dominican Republic:

Global Ministries Missionary in the Dominican Republic:
Henry Brewer-Calvert serves as a Global Mission Intern with the Proyecto Educativo Caminante. His appointment is supported by Week of Compassion, Our Churches Wider Mission, Disciples Mission Fund and your special gifts.