2022 Spring Appeal
Dear Friends,
On January 1, 2022, Rev. LaMarco Cable started his ministry as the new President of the Division of Overseas Ministries and Co-Executive for Global Ministries. This created an opportunity for Rev. Cable and Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, Associate General Minister for Wider Church Ministries and Co-Executive for Global Ministries, to cast a vision for the future of this sacred ministry of Global Ministries in a renewed commitment to collaboration and ecumenical witness. Stepping into this moment of leadership as Co-Executives of Global Ministries affords the opportunity to reflect upon the lives that are touched through this ministry daily, the impact of Global Ministries over the years, and to consider the possibilities for future impact in the ever-changing landscape that lies before us.
Climate change is an urgent issue of our time. This is evident with the recent earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes and other natural disasters witnessed and experienced increasingly over the past few years. Among our priorities is addressing this and other global concerns in collaboration with our partners across the globe.
There are many ways our international partners are confronting climate change and providing sustainable resources for their communities. These include AMANESER 2025’s solar panel installations in Puerto Rico; the Asian Rural Institute’s Rural Leaders Training Program in Japan; the Nutrition Garden and Fishery Project in Zimbabwe; the Christian Commission for Development’s Climate Resilient Agriculture Program in Bangladesh; and the “Keep Hope Alive!” Olive Tree Planting Campaign in Israel-Palestine.

Global Ministries Mission Co-Worker, Rev. Phyllis Byrd is witnessing first-hand the negative impact climate change is having in Kenya. Climate change is affecting the economy, livelihood and well-being of the community in such a suffocating way that she likens it to not being able to breathe. Phyllis shared a personal testimony in which she reflected on a time when she was having difficulty breathing. At first, Phyllis thought if she ignored the problem, it would go away. She later recognized when one person is sick – healing takes a village. To heal, she needed the support of the nursing staff and loved ones.
After reflecting upon her own personal experience with her state of emergency, she reflected that in Kenya the forests were experiencing the same thing. Trees are the source of the air we breathe. However, because of climate change and deforestation, Kenya is experiencing a shortness of breath with only 8% of pre-existing forest cover left in the country. This global ailment will not heal itself – it takes a village to actively respond and move toward sustained healing.
The Tree for Life Project is a sustainable agricultural project of the Organization of Africa Instituted Churches (OAIC) focused on planting tree nurseries to improve food security and income security in communities in Kenya and Nigeria. Through this project, villages, including children and youth, are working together to plant and nurture trees. Increasing the number of trees provides food for livestock, improves soil fertility, and helps to improve family incomes and nutrition. The OAIC is also working to educate the community on the effects of climate change and engagement in public policy.

To bring awareness to climate justice issues, Global Ministries is hosting its very first “MissionDash Virtual 5K” this summer. We will launch this event on August 1, 2022. Participants must complete the event by August 31. We invite you to join with us individually or as a team in this effort to advocate for climate justice and provide support for partner projects addressing climate change around the world. To register visit www.globalministries.org/5kRegistration or scan the following QR code
In addition to accompanying our international partners in their efforts to care for the environment, we will do our part domestically to be good stewards of the resources God entrusted to us. To model a more environmentally friendly office, the Resource Development Office will be acknowledging all online gifts electronically. To opt-in to this new process, we invite you to respond to this appeal on our website at www.globalministries.org/give.
We are grateful for your commitment to the church, to God’s creation and to this sacred ministry. Just as Phyllis relied on her community to help her toward a path of healing, it takes a village to address climate change and prepare the world for a greener future.
Through your gifts to Global Ministries, by sharing the story of global missions, and participating in the MissionDash Virtual 5K, you can be part of the village paving a path toward climate justice. Please join us in supporting this sacred, shared ministry of our two denominations. We look forward to sharing in this journey with you!