News and Other Useful Information on the Web

News and Other Useful Information on the Web

Because much of the American media reports in a pro-Israel fashion most of the time, or else omits information about Palestinians, it is worthwhile to also get news from the web to balance off what you read.  It is also interesting to see the Palestinian point of view on events.


A blog by a Lutheran which tries to keep American Christians up to date can be found at

Jim Wall, former editor of Christian Century, runs a blog at


The following web sites come from Palestine or from USA organizations. (The Bitter Pill)
    Contains comments by Ali Abunimah.   Abunimah teaches at the University of Chicago and his goal is to hold the media accountable.  Site has links to media and other similar websites. (Prisoner support and human rights organization)
    Click “clashes information’ for good information on current situation including names of Palestinians killed on a day by day basis. (Catholic organization on Palestine)
    Or go directly to for statements from churches and church groups.  (Palestinian human rights organization)
    Here is the resource for excellent historical background pieces as well as a reference section to read historical documents.  You can also get a summary of UN resolutions as well as the full text.  (Alternative Information Center)
    Has updated news including special reports on settler violence and lots of other things.  Also has a “Related Sites” section.  You can link to Passia and get the maps from the book in color plus some other information. (Arab Association for Human Rights)
    Focuses on discrimination against the Arab Palestinian citizens of Israel and the internally displaced refugees of 1948.  (Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem)
   Sells An Atlas of Palestine in book form and a CD that is a great collection of maps.  Many maps are on this website itself.  Contains a section of “related Sites” for follow up. (Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights – BADIL)
    Progressive resources and original research on the right of return (Bethlehem Media Centeer)
Human stories, diaries and reports.  Contacts for visiting journalists.   (Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories)
    Good references to other international groups as well as reports on human rights.  Great list of links, including some Israeli and international. Report from the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Accompaniers who work on the ground.  Includes good photos.
    Very good site for up-to-date news.  (Israeli bloc of peace)
    Excellent site and good links.  Very active group. (Israel Committee Against House Demolitions)
    Jeff Halper is leader and he has analyzed the West Bank and Gaza in terms of the apartheid-like divisions. (Independent Media Center)
    Covers the whole world so it takes time to find Middle East materials but there are reports from independent sources that aren’t found other places.
Look under West Asia for Middle East. (International Media Center)
   Lots of news and updated regularly (Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre (JMCC)
    Polls and news reports  (Palestinian Society for the protection of Human Rights and the Environment)
    Contains updated press releases, links to other sites and a section on laws and treaties.  Their links lead you onto other good spots. (Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy) 
    Excellent analysis, articles for distribution, archive of historical documents, but not always up-to-date.
A blog written by an American Jew who monitors coverage of the Middle East and related issues. (Negotiations Affairs Department of PLO)  Good resources, including information on textbooks, facts on the wall and interactive maps.
    Voice of civil society – Palestinian Non Governmental Organizations (PNGO) (Palestinian Center for Human Rights)
    A good source of information, statistics, fact sheets, etc.
    Coordinates environmental organizations.  Good materials about the Wall  (Humanitarian Information Centre for the occupied Palestinian territory)
    Information about humanitarian issues and emergencies, especially medical.  (Sabeel Liberation Theology Center)
This is an ecumenical movement for peace and justice based in Jerusalem.  Contains press releases and lots of lists.
A special website for UN information is: (UN Information System on the Question of Palestine)
    UN documents, press releases and discussions in the Security Council.

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