Assistance Needed for Conflict-Displaced Persons in Sri Lanka

Assistance Needed for Conflict-Displaced Persons in Sri Lanka

Global Ministries is working with local partners through One Great Hour of Sharing, Week of Compassion, Church World Service and Action by Churches Together (ACT) International to respond to the conflict in Sri Lanka.

Global Ministries, in partnership with One Great Hour of Sharing and Week of Compassion, is working with local partners to assist large number of internally displaced persons in Sri Lanka.

The Government of Sri Lanka has announced an end to war, for the first time since 1983. While for some this may sound like a victory, large numbers of civilians are in transition and without the necessities needed for their survival.

Children, especially those under the age of 5 are most severely impacted and are suffering from undernourishment even if they and their families can reach the camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Short term, immediate humanitarian support is needed to help IDPs survive until they can return home by the end of the year.  Of the 265,000 IDPs reported, approximately 80,000 are children. 

One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC) and Week of Compassion (Disciples) are working with local partners through Church World Service and Action by Churches Together (ACT) International.  Initial gifts have been sent to provide health and hygiene kits, cooking utensils, sleeping materials, and access to health and medical services.

Please pray for the people of Sri Lanka and an end to violence.

For updates and ways to help, go to:

UCC’s One Great Hour of Sharing
Disciples Week of Compassion