Breaking Down the Wall Lenten Reflections

Breaking Down the Wall Lenten Reflections

The following collection of prayers, images, and readings with questions are designed to be used during the Lenten Season with groups for daily meditation or for individual reflection. They can be used with the mini olive wood Wall or by itself as part of Breaking Down the Wall project.

They also can be used during Holy Week as the themes correspond to sacred events or places during holy week.

The Risen Christ says, “In the depth of this reality I will speak.
I will be present and I will transform.” Rowan Williams

The focus is on the word “breaking” and the places in our sacred story that intersect with the physical Wall or the walls of prejudice, fear, and racism. The themes are the following:

• Breaking Expectations (Palm Sunday)
• Breaking Bread (Maudy Thursday)
• Breaking Bodies (Good Friday)
• Breaking Down (Holy Saturday)
• Breaking Open (Easter)

Many thanks to friends: Rev. Diane Dulin for her beautiful prayers that accompany each Reflection, and for Rev. Nancy Amacher’s reflection on Bethany today.

The Invitation

We invite you this Lenten season
of reflection, study, and repentance
to walk with us as we walk with Jesus
the Way of Suffering
to lives threatened with resurrection.

We invite you to accompany us
as we accompany them
those border crossers for justice
who seek and work for peace
who break down, break through, break open
all the walls that separate and segregate us,
break our bodies and spirits.

We invite you to accompany us
on the vigil that leads to resurrection
by facing those whose lives are constricted,
restricted, and targeted;
who ask you to stay awake and pray
stop the destruction of trees,
the demolishment of homes,
the burning of families and worship spaces,
the stabbings and the shootings.
We invite you to bear the cross

We invite you to live
with those dying daily
to see in them
Him calling out, weeping, rising up.

We invite you to join us
this Lenten season
in breaking down all the Walls
that divide us
in rolling away all the Stones
that entomb us.

We invite you to live lives threatened with resurrection.
*Inspired by Guatemalan poet Julia Esquival’s poem Threatened with Resurrection

Click here for “Breaking Down the Wall: Lenten Reflections”

Click here for UCC and Disciples General Synod/Assembly policy resolutions on the Separation Barrier.