Choosing to give charity or to build relationships and capacity of local church

Choosing to give charity or to build relationships and capacity of local church

In March 2007 Rev. James Vijayakumar of Global Ministries had an encounter with a young man who served as his translator in Nepal.  The man was an excellent translator.  He told Vijay that he’d been studying in a college in Katmandu, but had acquired some illness and had to return to his village, thereby interrupting his studies while he received medical treatment.  He explained that it was very hard to both pay for medical care and save to resume his studies.  He didn’t ask for money, but asked that Vijay pray for him, which he did.  Vijay explained that he wanted very much to take out his wallet and offer him some assistance, but that there were others watching who had similar stories.  There are many who need help and the size of the need leads us to feel helpless.  We want to help, but not as a rescuer of individuals.  As a church, we want to help in ways that open new opportunities for all who need help.  By working with our partners to build communities and expand economic and educational opportunities for all, we are helping strengthen partner churches in ways that allow them to bring healing and hope to the communities they serve.