Updates and Reports from The Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea (PROK)
2013 marked the 60th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). The formation of the PROK was a response to the tone of the times, challenging the newly formed church of Jesus Christ to live into its prophetic role in in society as well as equip its leaders and members with comprehensive and contextual understanding of the Bible, so that the Gospel will be truly lived in the present and future circumstances.
2013 marked the 60th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). The formation of the PROK was a response to the tone of the times, challenging the newly formed church of Jesus Christ to live into its prophetic role in in society as well as equip its leaders and members with comprehensive and contextual understanding of the Bible, so that the Gospel will be truly lived in the present and future circumstances.
The PROK shares the following reports with Global Ministries:
PROK Program Updates 2014
2014 The reality of Christian mission work with North Korean refugees
Hanshin University brochure Korea
Signature Campaign for Peace Treaty KOREA