CMEP Action Alert: Call on Members of Congress to support ceasefire, restraint, de-escalation of violence and protection of civilian life in Israel/Palestine

CMEP Action Alert: Call on Members of Congress to support ceasefire, restraint, de-escalation of violence and protection of civilian life in Israel/Palestine

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) laments the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel which began on Saturday, October 7th. CMEP condemns all acts of violence against civilians. It is critical that members of Congress hear from their constituents who support a de-escalation of violence and for restraint from all parties. It is incumbent that Congress not support measures that will only intensify the violence. 

CMEP denounces Hamas’ deadly attacks against Israel and mourns the loss of life. CMEP calls for the immediate release of all of the Israeli civilians still held in captivity. CMEP equally abhors the extensive retaliatory violence carried out by the Israeli military against the people of Palestine. The government of Israel’s decision to shut off power, water, and fuel to the people of Gaza constitutes collective punishment and international law designates such actions as illegal and unconscionable. 

CMEP calls for an immediate end to all violence for restraint from all parties. A protracted Israeli military offensive, including a possible ground invasion, could result in considerably more deaths and a broader regional war. Half of the 2.2 million people of Gaza are children, who will suffer disproportionately. 

Israeli Prime Minister Netanayhu’s call for residents of Gaza “to leave” is unrealistic given that all border crossings in and out of Gaza are closed, and leaving is not an option for the more than two million people living there. CMEP calls on Hamas to do no harm and to release all hostages held in captivity. CMEP continues to pray for the families of those held hostage and the families of all who have been wounded or lost their lives already in the violence of the past few days. CMEP calls on the international community and the United States to stop supporting further militarization and pursue every alternative means to protect all Israeli and Palestinian civilians. 

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