CMEP Bulletin: New Peace Talks?
Horrified by recent developments in Israel and Palestine, the Executive Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) has expressed again “the WCC’s rejection of violence and injustice” and has reiterated “its frequent call for respect for human rights for all people of the region, regardless of their national, ethnic or religious identity”. The action was taken at the 13-18 November meeting of the Executive Committee in Geneva, Switzerland.
Encountering Peace: It is Still Not Too Late for Peace [The Jerusalem Post]
It is still not too late; It requires Netanyahu to stand up and toss out the window the old mantras that we don’t have a partner and to then build the partnership.
New Peace Talks Not on Agenda During Kerry Visit to Israel
US secretary of state to meet with Netanyahu, Abbas this week in an effort to ‘reduce tensions,’ State Department says.