Communion Liturgy for World Communion Sunday

Communion Liturgy for World Communion Sunday

Connecticut Conference UCC celebrating 20 years of partnership with the Kyung-Ki Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of the Republic of Korea


One                Like a sower, God scatters, and God will give growth.
Many           God scatters life about the planet.

One                God scatters people across the globe.
Many           God scatters disciples far and wide.

One                Like a shepherd, God gathers.
Many           God gathers people in families.

One                God gathers people in communities.
Many           God gathers people in the Church of Jesus Christ.

One                God gathers us at this table to refresh our bodies and renew our spirits. God gathers us here on this World Communion Sunday in company with our brothers and sisters throughout the Church, across the bounds of language or nation, across the bounds of tradition or custom. God gathers us in many “heres”… Cheweol and Dong-bu-sun-lin, Korea; Windsor and Granby, Connecticut… beneath tall New England steeples and in modern high rise buildings. God gathers us at this table to recall the cost of faith and to celebrate the richness of Christ’s gifts showered upon the world.

Communion Prayer

Creator of the Universe, Creator of the Yellow Sea and Long Island Sound, Creator of Korean cherry blossoms and New England maple leaves, we praise you for the life you have given us and all living things around us! From among the seeds you scattered, you gathered the people of Israel, giving to them your love and your guidance, your law and your prophets. In the fullness of time, you came to us in Jesus of Nazareth, child of Mary and the Promised One of Israel. We honor his teachings, we weep at his sacrifice, and we rejoice at his resurrection in glory.

With angels and archangels, with our ancestors in faith, with our brothers and sisters here and with our fellow disciples in the Kyung-Ki Presbytery in the Republic of Korea, with all those who follow Jesus, we ask your blessing on the meal we are about to share. May these gifts of bread and wine strengthen us to be the gathered and scattered Body of Christ on earth, many in creative possibilities and one in spirit, one in truth, one in faith, one in love. Gather your scattered seeds into your home, as we see it dimly here and as you manifest it in your realm of grace and peace.

Sharing the Meal

Prayer of Thanksgiving (together)

We thank you, generous God, for the nourishment of your table and the present love of Jesus Christ. We thank you for your gift of growth in this life-renewing feast. We thank you for the company of your great cloud of witnesses, here in this place, in all the planting zones of today and throughout your creation’s history. We thank you, in particular, for the growth that comes from our shared partnership with the churches of Kyung-Ki Presbytery. Take your gathered people and scatter us again into the world… renewed, invigorated, and committed, that so nourished we may take root and bear life-giving fruit to feed, heal, clothe and comfort, in Jesus’ name. Amen.