Current Situation for the Kinshasa Congregation

Current Situation for the Kinshasa Congregation

Report from our partners in Disciples of Christ Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Report from our partners in Disciples of Christ Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Disciples of Christ in Kinshasa have 18 local congregations. One congregation has a membership of 220. The property where the church used to gather for worship was sold and the members were requested to leave without notice. While looking for a way to sort out the issue, the new landlord threw all the church belongings on the street and locked the gate.

On Sunday March 19, 2006, church members did not know where they would gather and scattered. One of the church elders, telephoned Pastor EALE, the Supervising Pastor (Regional Minister) to offer a tiny space on his property to fellowship that Sunday.

The Disciples at Kinshasa felt the situation to be very challenging and shameful to have no place to worship and to have their benches thrown on the street. Pastor EALE convened a meeting of the leadership to discuss the case resulting in the collection of emergency funds amounting to $600 from among those present

It was decided to open two solidarity account for the Kinshasa congregation – one in Congolese francs and another in US dollars. The purpose is to help the congregation purchase its own property.

Disciples of Christ Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo