Dream of Sareswati

Dream of Sareswati

Sareswait Baroi and her husband were day laborers and were in very poor economic condition when she gave birth to three children. In 2004 she joined a Church of Bangladesh Social Development Program

Church of Bangladesh Social Development Program

Community Development Project, Bangladesh

ImageSareswait Baroi and her husband were day laborers and were in very poor economic condition when she gave birth to three children. In 2004 she joined a Church of Bangladesh Social Development Program development group, and took part in development activities for her family.  During a four year period, she took out two micro-credit loans from the Community Development Project. Her first loan was for 2,000 taka* and later for 4,000 taka. These funds were used for income-generating activities like goat rearing and share cropping.  She initially purchased two goats with 1100 taka.  Now she has six goats and earned 1200 taka by selling one goat.

Sareswati and her husband have worked very hard together to be able to repay the loans and have been a great example of gender equality in practice. They now have a secure income; their children are healthy and studying in school, and face the future with confidence, no longer feeling downtrodden and victims of poverty.

Learn More about this project Community Development Project – Indorkani