Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem–July Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Holy City of Jerusalem!
This month has brought a welcome respite from what has been a very busy and productive year. Following meetings and hosting of delegations in the early part of the month, Shafeeqa and I travelled to Brussels on the 19th of July to spend nearly two weeks in rest and relaxation. Our holiday coincided with our wedding anniversary, which we celebrated by giving thanks to God for these many years of happy married life.
After a time of quiet and reflection, I return to the office confident that the work God has begun in us will be brought to fruition. As at the outset of my episcopacy, so today, I am committed to achieving the financial self-sufficiency and sustainability of the Diocese of Jerusalem. This very practical goal will become the means whereby the parish and institutional ministries of the Diocese will be strengthened and advanced so that God is truly gloried and the people of our region served through quality education, healthcare, and pastoral support.
To achieve financial self-sufficiency and sustainability, the Diocese has begun discussions that include a wide variety of approaches to income generation. These discussions have already shown great promise and in the coming months it is hoped that concrete steps will be taken that lead to specific developments and the long term financial health of the Diocese.
To all the clergy, laity, friends, and partners of the Diocese of Jerusalem, I am most grateful for your generous support and for the tremendous achievements of the previous 12 months. I look forward to the coming months as a time of continued blessing from God and for even greater progress in our very important ministry together.
Peace, Salaam,
The Rt. Rev. Suheil Dawani
Episcopal Bishop of Jerusalem