Fighting Human Trafficking in Northern India

Fighting Human Trafficking in Northern India

The Anti Human Trafficking Program of the Church of North India organized a drama competition to make people more aware about the issue of human trafficking on Wednesday the 10th of February, 2016. Four schools and women’s self-help groups took part in the competition. Through the drama competition many aspects of Human Trafficking were brought in-front of the audiences.

henna-hands.jpgThe event was very successful because of the unbelievable audience turn out that came to learn about Human Trafficking. The schools, in spite of having board exams, participated with great enthusiasm. The women’s self-help groups formed a team that combined members of several groups. It was quite surprising to see that local men also joined the women’s self-help group team.

The Anti Human Trafficking Program hopes to continue building on these exciting programs to make the issues of human trafficking more widely known.

The Church of North India is also pleased to report that these programs are proving to be effective.

In the first week of February in North Dinajpur, local people saw two men and a woman standing with two school girls and questioned if these girls were being trafficked. Relying on the trainings provided by the Anti Human Trafficking Program, they informed the police. When the police came and inquired them, they confessed that they were trafficking these girls for sexual trade.

These girls had been lured with false promises of acting in movies and TV serials. The three accused have been kept in police custody for further investigation.

Once again our preventative measure of spreading awareness has prevented two more innocent girls from being trafficked! Its due to our awareness campaigning’s in schools and villages that these people could identify the traffickers and take the right action in time and rescue these innocent school girls.