From Chris Hobgood: A Personal Message About America and Iraq
Message from Christ Hobgood, President, Disciples Center for Public Witness
Message from Christ Hobgood, President, Disciples Center for Public Witness
A Personal Message from Chris Hobgood This week, as we celebrate the 4th of July, we will be celebrating the democratic values and humanitarian ideals upon which our nation was founded. In my view, it is these values and ideals, not militant nationalism or aggressive empire-building, that ground the true patriotism of the diverse peoples who together make America a great nation. It is therefore not unpatriotic to oppose the war in Iraq. Like many of you, I oppose this war and firmly believe the best way to support our troops is to bring them home soon. If you agree with me, please By joining our voices with our ecumenical and interfaith partners, we strengthen the faith-based movement in opposition to the war. By speaking out as Disciples, we build momentum for opposition to the war as we head into General Assembly in Fort Worth. And by speaking out this week, we proclaim that we oppose this war not only as Christians, but also as patriots. So please join me and other Disciples in making this important proclamation by signing the statement today.
Please forward this email to others. And please send any signed hard copies of the statement to DJAN East Coast Office, 1040 Harbor Drive, Annapolis, MD 21403. Thank you! |
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