Ministries & Mission Interpreters Training

Ministries & Mission Interpreters Training

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    Online Training
    Recorded Webinars Note: If this is your first time watching a WebEx
    recording, you will be prompted to download the WebEx player in order to
    view the recorded webinar.  To see the video portion of the presenters,
    click the video camera icon in the upper right corner once the webinar
    recording begins to play.

    MMI Webinar 1: Participating in God’s Global Mission Today 
    MMI Webinar 2: Learning the Basics About Global Ministries
    MMI Webinar 3: Surfing the Web
    MMI Webinar 4: Getting Involved in Global Ministries
    MMI Webinar 5: Creating an Action Plan

    MMI Training Handbook:

    1. Module 1: Introducing Ministries and Mission Interpreters- MMI
      The Challenge of Being an MMI

    2. Module 2: Learning the Basics – Global Ministries 101
      GM 101 Qui,GM Organizational Chart, Staff Contact,CGMB Standing Rules

    3. Module 3: Growing in a Theology of Mission for Today
      Models of Mission, Origin of Theology in God’s Mission

    4. Module 4: Being a Global Mission Church
      General Assembly 2009 Global Mission Church Resolution, General Synod 2009 Global Mission Church Resolution, Covenant Statement for Disciples and UCC Congregations, Covenant Statement for Regions and Conferences, Program Profiles

    5. Module 5: Working in Global Advocacy and Education
      Advocacy Briefs

    6. Module 6: Funding Mission Work
      OGHS FAQ, Special Giving Projects

    7. Module 7: Creating a Mission Presentation
      Resource list and order form,Presentation Checklist, Sample Missionary Stories and Prayers, Worship Resources, Sunday School Presentation, Global Ministries Website, Inquiry Follow-up form

    8. Module 8: Developing an Action Plan
      Action Plan forms, MMI Commissioning Service, MMI Evaluation form