International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

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International Women’s Day isn’t just a time to advocate for a more equitable world for women, it is also a time to celebrate the benefits of women’s empowerment. In India, villages that elect women find more resources allocated towards schools and health care. In many parts of Africa, men and women divide their fields. In years that women’s crops thrive, children recieve better nutrition and more are enrolled in schools. In Colombia, educated women are far less likely to contract HIV/AIDS and tend to delay child birth (which gives them an opportunity to develop their own careers and have a voice in family decisions).

Global Ministries understands that when we talk about empowered women, we aren’t just talking about more income for the family, we are talking about a world where women are less likely to be abused, more likely to be educated, and more likely to have control over their reproductive choices. This enables them to not only advocate for more just policies from their governments, but also in their own families.

We invite you to join us in making a donation to these projects that make a very real difference in the lives of those they serve (please make a note in the comment section of the donation page as to how you’d like your gift to be used):

Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo Micro-credit Project – Offers loans to women starting small businesses. This project also provides an opportunity for women to invest in the improvement of their community. All new loan decisions are made collectively by the shareholders. Your donation to this project is a gift of Self-determination (full description).

My Sister’s Place– Works with Korean women who are striving to escape prostitution by providing counseling, training programs, and emotional support. Their efforts are aimed at rebuilding self-confidence and self-worth. Your donation to this project is a gift of Safety (full description).

House of Hope- Provides training for children laboring as domestic servants, young mothers, single girls, and elderly women who have been abandoned. The centers are located in areas of extreme povery in Port-au-Prince, aiming to assist those in the most desparate situations. Your donation to this project is a gift of Hope (full description).

Church of Bangladesh Social Development Program- Operates a wide variety of projects in Bangladesh, from HIV/AIDS prevention to eco-friendly agricultural practices. Advocacy of gender equality is one of the core values of this program, empowering women to voice their concerns about human traffciking, early marriages, and violence against women. Your donation to this project is a gift of Education (full description).

Women’s Leadership in Non-Violent Peacebuilding- Offers educational opportunities for women seeking to end the injustices they see in their communities. It is the only Christian group in Palestine led by a woman, which offers a unique opportunity to work across the boundaries that often create stumbling blocks. Your donation to this project is a gift of Peace (full description).