Tabernacle Congregational Church in Salem, Massachusetts

Tabernacle Congregational Church in Salem, Massachusetts

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Tabernacle Church recently celebrated the 200th Anniversary of the Commissioning of the first missionaries to go to foreign lands. Their committee worked very hard to bring the information and celebration to church members and all of Greater Salem. The day of festivities began with a church service and included a luncheon and a large room filled with historical material, including that of the original Commissioning as well as their own church history. They also received much material from Global Ministries, which was used as part of the display.

Elena Huegel was part of the morning service, returning to Tabernacle where she had visited several years ago. Elena, who is an environmental and Christian education specialist serving with the Pentecostal Church of Chile (IPC), represented present-day missionaries.

Parishioners were very generous in their support of Global Ministries and the day was a special and memorable one for Tabernacle. The 200th Anniversary Committee, working with the Missions Action Group of the church, had specified that any funds remaining after the celebration would be given to missions. In this generous spirit, Tabernacle was able to send $2,000 for Global Ministries, to be used in ongoing mission fields.