Global Ministries Strategic Plan
It is with joy and hope that the Common Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ (UCC) announces the launching of a Five-Year Strategic Plan, as approved by its Board of Directors, on November 11, 2007.
The Strategic Plan for the years 2008-2012 is a new milestone in Global Ministries’ journey; a necessary look into the future after decades of ecumenical dialogue, joint work experiments, and, since 1995, a formal partnership in mission in which Disciples and UCC share common staff, a common budget, common programs/projects, and common governance in our presence and witness throughout the global community. The fruit of a twelve-month discernment process – involving board members, international partners, home-based staff, missionaries, and other UCC/Disciples constituents – Global Ministries’ Strategic Plan begins by affirming once again our ecumenical “mission commitment to a shared life in Christ, and to an ecumenical global sharing of resources and prophetic vision of a just, sustainable, and peaceful world order, joining with God’s concern for the poor and the oppressed.”
Inspired by that mission commitment as a fundamental guiding principle, the Strategic Plan establishes concrete goals, objectives, and activities/programs/projects to implement what, in 2004, Global Ministries had adopted as its Critical Presence strategic approach in mission; that is, “to be timely and appropriately meeting God’s people and creation at the point of deepest need: spiritually, physically, emotionally, and/or economically.”
It is understood, however, that Critical Presence is not something new in Global Ministries’ mission journey, but an ingredient that has always been part of our global presence and witness. What is new with its adoption is that, as our main strategic approach in mission, priority is intentionally given to programs, projects, and ministries of “acompañamiento” (that is, being there in various forms and modes of presence) to and with people in critical situations and needs, especially:
a) pastoral ministries related to fear and hopelessness where people are desperate for meaning; dangerous or life-threatening situations related to social, economic, or political realities;
b) partners living in countries wherein the Christian faith is a minority faith;
c) supporting, encouraging, and accompanying in interfaith relations;
d) conflict transformation and resolution;
e) places where capacity-building and health care are our primary focus;
f) facilitating the engagement of local congregations and other church settings in global mission and ministry;
g) and/or exploring and implementing economic alternatives which empower the powerless within the human community, giving priority to the poorest communities and those in turmoil.
The Strategic Plan is divided into the four natural components of Global Ministries’ daily work:
- Global Partnerships
- Mission Education and Advocacy
- Resource Development and Finance
- Administration and Governance.
The goals for these work components are:
- Goal I – Global Ministries and its partners will experience together mutual empathy and trustful “acompañamiento” at the point of deepest need;
- Goal II – Church members, congregations, regions, conferences, and other constituencies will grow in their understanding of God’s mission and engage faithfully and effectively in that mission globally with the “acompañamiento” of Global Ministries;
- Goal III – Global Ministries will have a comprehensive financial plan and adequate financial support to undergird its mission through church members, congregations, regions, conferences, and other constituencies affirming global presence and witness as a priority in stewardship decisions; and
- Goal IV – the Common Global Ministries Board of Directors and staff will be faithful and effective stewards of resources in the implementation, evaluation, communication, and oversight of the mission.
Cally Rogers-Witte
WCM Executive Minister and Co-Executive of Global Ministries
David Vargas
DOM President and Co-Executive of Global Ministries
Deborah Blood
Chair of WCM Board and Co-Chair of the Common Global Ministries Board
Eugene James
Chair of DOM Board and Co-Chair of the Common Global Ministries Board