Global Ministries Committee in the Northwest

Global Ministries Committee in the Northwest

The Global Ministries Committee is a shared ministry of the Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ and the Northwest Region Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

The Global Ministries Committee is a shared ministry of the Pacific Northwest Conference United Church of Christ and the Northwest Region Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Global Ministries is a common witness of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ responsible for nurturing relationships with international partners on behalf of Disciples and the UCC. The Global Ministries Committee is a shared ministry of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC and the Northwest Region (Disciples of Christ). The committee shall nurture global partnerships and church relationships, shall support the work of Global Ministries in the denominational setting including its missionaries from the Pacific Northwest Conference and the Northwest Region, shall help itinerate visits by mission personnel, shall encourage churches of the Pacific Northwest Conference and the Northwest Region to become Global Mission Churches, shall facilitate connections with mission personnel and projects when church members and friends travel globally, and shall promote mission trips by local churches, as well as Conference and Regional groups.  The Committee shall consist of sixteen members, including eight from the United Church of Christ and eight from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) the terms of each which shall be for two years, for no more than three consecutive terms.

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