Litany of Rededication

Litany of Rededication

Haystack Prayer Meeting Worship Resources for September 24, 2006
Litany of Rededication Using Global Ministries’ Five Guiding Principles for Mission

Leader: Within covenantal bonds with other partner churches and ecumenical bodies throughout the world, we commit ourselves in Christ to share life, resources and needs.

PEOPLE: We celebrate today the 200th Anniversary of the Haystack Prayer Meeting when five Williams College students dedicated themselves to Christ and to the mission of carrying Christ’s message of love to foreign lands.

Leader: As part of the ecumenical church and its response to particular historical and geographical contexts, we affirm our commitment to share persons in mission.

PEOPLE: We acknowledge the changing shape of mission in these past 200 years and how God has blessed the church with different voices and cultural gifts.

Leader: We commit ourselves to discovering and sharing exciting new ways to sing the song of faith . . . hearing, telling and participating in the story of God’s love in Jesus Christ.

PEOPLE: We rededicate ourselves this day to the spirit of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in all places. We trust God to give us the ears to hear and eyes to see how Christ is both shared and received by our mission efforts.

Leader: Relying upon God’s grace, we commit ourselves to share in God’s healing of God’s continuing creation.

PEOPLE: We celebrate our partnership in the stewardship of God’s creation with sisters and brothers around the world. We rededicate ourselves to authentic dialogue with mission partners in the continuing exploration of how to be in right relationship with one another.

Leader: Recognizing the freedom of God’s Spirit to act in diverse ways, we commit ourselves to engage in dialogue, witness, and common cause with people of other faiths and movements with whom we share a vision of peace, justice, and integrity of creation.

PEOPLE: We rededicate ourselves to listening for God in all places. May we be
faithful to the One who has promised to be with us always when we venture forth in
Christ’s name, even to the end of the age. Amen.