Iraq and U.S. Policy in the Middle East
Advocacy in Iraq
2007 General Synod and General Assembly: Iraq
The 2007 General Synod of the United Church of Christ and the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) both took action on the war in Iraq.┬á The UCC’s General Synod met in Hartford, CT and heard the Collegium of Officers present a Pastoral Letter on Iraq.┬á The letter had been endorsed by Conference Ministers and Seminary Presidents, and the body of General Synod felt moved to endorse the letter as well.┬á An open invitation to add your signature has been issued and it is hoped that 100,000 signatures will be affixed to the letter by early October.┬á┬áUCC Pastoral Letter on the Iraq War Bulletin Insert
 Iraq Humanitarian Aid Appeal
The Disciples’ General Assembly adopted a resolution on the war, making clear its position of opposition.┬á The resolution, entitled “The Church’s Response to the War in Iraq”, stated, “after due reflection and a respectful discussion, go on record as conscientiously opposing the war in Iraq as an action inconsistent with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, and a violation of the traditional standards of just war….”┬á These positions are consistent with the World Council of Churches’ General Secretary’s letter on the┬á4th anniversary of the start of the war.
Through Global Ministries both churches continue to attempt to raise awareness about Iraq and the situation there.  More than 4 million Iraqis have been displaced since the beginning of the current war in 2003. 
Through One Great Hour of Sharing and Week of Compassion, efforts are made to respond to the worsening humanitarian crisis there.  You are encouraged to visit these pages to see how you can help, and to keep informed of the situation.
Advocacy in Iraq
2007 General Synod and General Assembly: Iraq
The 2007 General Synod of the United Church of Christ and the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) both took action on the war in Iraq. The UCC’s General Synod met in Hartford, CT and heard the Collegium of Officers present a Pastoral Letter on Iraq. The letter had been endorsed by Conference Ministers and Seminary Presidents, and the body of General Synod felt moved to endorse the letter as well. An open invitation to add your signature has been issued and it is hoped that 100,000 signatures will be affixed to the letter by early October. UCC Pastoral Letter on the Iraq War Bulletin Insert
Iraq Humanitarian Aid Appeal
The Disciples’ General Assembly adopted a resolution on the war, making clear its position of opposition. The resolution, entitled “The Church’s Response to the War in Iraq”, stated, “after due reflection and a respectful discussion, go on record as conscientiously opposing the war in Iraq as an action inconsistent with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, and a violation of the traditional standards of just war….” These positions are consistent with the World Council of Churches’ General Secretary’s letter on the 4th anniversary of the start of the war.
Through Global Ministries both churches continue to attempt to raise awareness about Iraq and the situation there. More than 4 million Iraqis have been displaced since the beginning of the current war in 2003.
Through One Great Hour of Sharing and Week of Compassion, efforts are made to respond to the worsening humanitarian crisis there. You are encouraged to visit these pages to see how you can help, and to keep informed of the situation.