Partner Update: Henry Martyn Insititute, Hyderabad, India

Partner Update: Henry Martyn Insititute, Hyderabad, India

A Report from The Henry Martyn Institute International Center for research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation in Hyderabad, India

A Report from The Henry Martyn Institute:  International Center for research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation in Hyderabad, India

In September of 2004, the Henry Martyn Institute (HMI) began the celebration of its 75th year.  HMI is dedicated to its missions of mediation, conflict resolution and peace building among the diverse faith groups in India.  The Institute offers Theological Training (MTh, PhD) and programs on Hindu-Muslim-Christian Relations, Conflicts and Violence, and Women’s Issues.  Their community development efforts include a centre at Sultan Shahi which has strengthened the community by facilitating formation of community-based ownership of the centre which offers welfare activities (school, tailoring center and clinic) and provides space for dialogue and community bonding among the women who come there.  Many festivals and celebrations have been held at the centre and are helping members of the community to break away from stereotyped images about each others religions.   In addition, HMI held 31 peace-based workshops in nine states, all in regions where people have experienced intense societal conflict.  The demand is so great for Conflict Resolution and Peace Building programs that the Institute  decided to offer two semi-annual workshops every year in August and January.  These workshops, which are offered in collaboration with partner organizations in each region, lift up issues of human rights, sustainable development and the challenge of building a “culture of peace.”