Perichoresis Newsletter – December 2020

Perichoresis Newsletter – December 2020

PERICHORESIS_LOGO-WHITE-1-HEADER-03.pngDear friends, colleagues & partners,

We stand before Christmas and the turn of the year!

One year ago, none of us could have imagined the calamities that 2020 would bring upon all of us and I am referring mainly, although not exclusively, to the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences.

Many people are not any more with us, others are still struggling with illness and we are not sure about what the immediate future will bring. In these difficult circumstances we do not forget our vulnerable neighbors who are particularly affected: poor, unemployed, refugees, migrants, etc.

As Perichoresis we continue our actions, trying to contribute to their relief with the means we have at our disposal. Above all, we place our hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His blessing and grace upon all of them and all of you! We pray that God may give us all a blessed Christmas season and that He may heal us in 2021 from the wounds of 2020!

Dr. Paris Papageorgiou
Chairman of Perichoresis Board of Directors

Click here to read the full newsletter.