Pray with Lebanon on Sunday, November 25, 2018

Pray with Lebanon on Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lebanon_Maria_Bakalian_Christ_the_King_Statue.jpegLectionary Selection:  John 18:33-37

Prayers for Lebanon: 

Almighty God. You are creator of all. You are the blessed and only Ruler. We come before you and praise you, for you are Lord of lords and King of kings.

You use your authority as the Omnipotent in ways unlike earthly kings.

Your rule brings peace and unity.

Your authority originates from doing the will of God.

We praise you for teaching us by example, to serve in humility. You who are Sovereign are found in the most unlikely places. You are with the refugee families in their tents and temporary housing. You are with the foreign workers who lack the most basic of legal protections. You bring light and truth into the darkest of places and situations. When we are impatient as we wait for better living conditions, better financial conditions, and for lasting peace, help us to see you and feel your presence, and acknowledge your sovereignty and Regal rule over the entire universe.

As the people of Lebanon face difficulty upon difficulty, help them to never lose hope in Christ the King. Monarchs and leaders come and go, but you are the same, yesterday, today and forever.

God of hope and light, fill us with trust in Christ our Savior.


Lebanon_Maria_Bakalian_Children's_Choir.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from Lebanon:

On November 22nd, Lebanon celebrated its 75th Anniversary of Independence. Yet there is an uneasy atmosphere as the country continues to await (since May) the formation of a new government.

Families with already limited financial resources are becoming more distraught and looking for ways to leave the country to a place they think will give their children a better future.

The Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, in partnership with bodies such as Global Ministries, is bringing hope to a new generation in several ways. Despite the anticipated burden of a yet to be implemented tax law, the UAECNE’s schools continue to offer a high quality education to its students, the majority of whom go on to higher education.

Lebanon_Maria_Bakalian_Haigazian_University.jpegAt Haigazian University, students from different religious and ethnic backgrounds pursue their education while also forging friendships across religious and cultural barriers. Yet many are holding down a job or drop out a semester in order to pay tuition; some are even supporting their own families. Financial support from partners such as Global Ministries is all the more crucial.

Currently some students at Haigazian are working on an app addressing the plight of foreign workers here in abusive situations. Indirectly they are testifying to the truth of Christ the King, whose statue stands above the hills 13 km. (8 mi) from Beirut.

Our prayer for them as well as the leaders of the country is that such acts of caring would bring a positive change to a country and region sorely in need of it.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Maria Bakalian

Mission Partners in Lebanon:

More information on Lebanon

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Lebanon:
Maria Bakalian serves with the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in Lebanon. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.