Pray with Morocco Sunday, July 14, 2019

Pray with Morocco Sunday, July 14, 2019

Morocco_Fritz_Joseph_Youth_Ministry.jpegLectionary Selection:  Luke 10:25-37

Prayers for Morocco:  

Precious God, creator of heaven and earth, giver and sustainer of life, in You we live and move and have our beings. There is nothing we can do without you. And all that we are able to do is because of You. We are crying out to you for this beautiful land of Morocco and for all of us who dwell in it.

The past days have been challenging for our church. We have lost loved ones, we have been shaken by winds of oppression and division. But still your presence is with us and your Spirit comfort us!

We pray for this country which is home for some, a dreamed destination for many and a transit for others. Give us the ability to welcome the stranger as an extension of yourself, help us to treat each other as our brother and sister. Let your liberating love touch and transform our hearts so we may love as You love us. Let your amazing grace teach us how to extend mercy to those who seem to need it.

Shine your light of hope and courage in the darkness of the many challenges we have to face. Renew our strength so we may continue to be servants of the least of us. As You are working through us and with us, please remind us that we are earthly vessels empowered by You to accomplish your will. Let us walk humbly before you in love, with joy and peace.


Morocco_Fritz_Joseph_Social_Work_Volunteering_Team_with_Fritz_and_Emma.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from Morocco:

This is summer time. As many of us are planning to go on vacation, to spend time with our family and friends, to rest and to replenish, there are those who are in the midst of their worst time and hoping for someone to help them. Summer in Morocco is this period of great traveling and tourism. This is also the season where most migrants are trying to cross to Europe because of the good condition of the weather and the calmness of the Mediterranean Sea.


Jacky is one of these boys who have been beaten and left for dead while trying to cross from Morocco to Spain. His face is unrecognizable with many scratches and some missing teeth. He has been broken mentally, physically, and spiritually. Blake is this good friend of Jacky whom he has met during his journey and who took him on his shoulder and brought him to the Church. Because of someone who told him along the way that the church is the place to go for those who has nowhere else to go. Fortunately, this is true.

We took care of Jacky, brought him to the hospital. We provided food, clothing, and shelter to him until he is fully recovered. He is getting better now. Yesterday he told me: “Thank you, sir, for giving me back my dignity and hope to live. You and the people who are working here are truly an extension of what God is – Love.”

The story of Jacky is one of the many that we live every day. We can only be this Church because of your help and support. Thank you for helping us to be an extension of what God is – Love! (The names have been changed to protect the identity of the people) 

Prayer and Mission Moment by Fritz-Gerald Joseph

Mission Partners in Morocco:

More information on Morocco:

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Morocco:
Fritz-Gerald Joseph serves with the Evangelical Church of Morocco. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.