Pray with Nicaragua Sunday, March 17, 2019

Pray with Nicaragua Sunday, March 17, 2019

Nicaragua_Jeanette_Salley_Children's_Sunday.jpgLectionary Selection:  Luke 13:31-35

Prayers for Nicaragua:  

Oh God our God how excellent is thy name in all the earth! You have prepared a place for us to love one another; to live in harmony; to forgive each other; to recognize your presence with us at all times. However, we confess that in all the earth, sometimes we do not have love in our heart for others. There is no harmony when there is pain and suffering. Not trusting ourselves as well as others keeps us from understanding the power of forgiveness in our relationship with you. In all the earth, we have become so self-absorbed that we cannot spiritually see or feel your presence with us at all times. Because you are God of many opportunities who can turn bad situations of injustice, inequality, unfairness, and hopelessness into good situations of justice, equality, fairness, and hopefulness. In all the earth, we say thank you! Now Lord all we ask is for the strength to continue the mission of Jesus—that is, to drive out demons (so that we may see, hear, think and speak with clarity) and to heal the sick (physically, mentally and spiritually). In all the earth, we say THANK YOU! Amen.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Nicaragua:

The season of Lent gives us an opportunity to renew our understanding of the life, ministry and the death of Jesus while challenging us to continue his mission/ministry. Therefore the question that troubles many of us during this season of Lent is, How can we continue Jesus’ mission while being overwhelmed with the political violence of injustice and inequality by earthly rulers? What to do when fear tries to consume Jesus’ ministry.

Well, in the Central Moravian Church in Managua, Nicaragua it appears that they have decided to follow the “way” of Jesus. And that is, according to Luke 13:32, no matter what is going on with earthly politics, stay focused on the mission of Jesus—to bring hope, liberation, justice, and equality to the oppressed. Throughout this time of political and social unrest, the church continues to worship God and to celebrate God’s love and mercy every Sunday with the evening service starting at 3 pm instead of 4 pm. The church continues to have Bible study on Wednesday morning instead of Wednesday evening. Visiting those incarcerated has been restricted but visits to the sick and shut-in continue at an earlier time during the week. The Youth, UMON, King’s Daughters Fellowship, and Fasting and Prayer continue with a renewed purpose for their ministry. The Juanita Connolly Church Clinic continues to be open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 am to 5 pm.

In all the earth, unjust political leaders need to know that the church universal will continue to stay focused on the mission/ministry of Jesus today, tomorrow and in the future.

During this season of Lent, continue to pray for our Nicaraguan sisters and brothers for strength, courage, and steadfastness on their journey to justice.

Prayer and Mission Moment by Jeanette Salley

Mission Partners in Nicaragua:

More information on Nicaragua: 

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Nicaragua:
Jeanette Salley serves with the Moravian Churches in Nicaragua. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, WOC, OGHS and your special gifts.