Prayer Requests for Peace in Colombia by Justapaz

Prayer Requests for Peace in Colombia by Justapaz

Prayers for Peace: July

A selection of prayer requests from Colombia

1. We give thanks for the bilateral ceasefire between the government and the FARC and celebrate each step that takes Colombia closer to peace. We pray for the final negotiations and a successful signing of the final accords. 

2. We pray for a complete peace and for continued dialogue with the ELN.  

3. We give thanks for increased support for peace by Colombia’s urban populations and pray for clear communication and understanding about the peace accords in rural communities. We pray that excitement and energy for peace will continue, despite opposition. 

4. We give thanks for international support for peace and pray that funding will be directed towards supporting implementation of the accords on a local community level. 

5. We pray for spaces of social unrest, such as the truck driver strike currently impacting mobility across the country. We pray for the implementation of policies of social justice and for a nonviolent resolution.

Celebrating the bi-lateral ceasefire on the streets of Bogota. Video by Diego Loaiza.