Reformed Church in Hungary Newsletter – April 2020
Easter Greeting from the Hungarian Reformed Church
“Christianity is the religion of joy”, even against sadness and depression we are facing in these days. On this holy feast of Easter, God was pleased to put us at test by letting go everything that was part of the customs and practice of how we normally celebrate Easter. At this Easter, church bells invite us to sit in front of our televisions and screens, we do not receive the sacrament out of the hands of the pastor, and there are no festive greetings and handshakes. There is only one thing left; to embrace the redemption we gained in Christ and the joy of the Savior, which will be complete in us. This is how we can still be in community without actually gathering, this is how homes can turn to temples, and this how everyone who shares in the joy of Easter can come together and join in spirit. Click here to read the full message…
Additional stories:
- Pastoral Letter in the Light of the Pandemic
Bishop Dr. István Szabó addressed a pastoral letter of acknowledgment and encouragement to the ministers serving in RCH’s congregations. In his letter, he expresses his gratitude for the persistence, creativity and care of local ministers. Click here to read the full letter.
- Wandering Community – International Roma Prayer Day in the Shadow of the Pandemic
After seven years of observing the International Roma Day on April 4 as a festive gathering and a day of joint prayer of Roma and non-Roma alike, RCH’s Roma Ministry invited congregation to a virtual pilgrimage of prayer and praise. Click here to read the full story.
- Visit the Reformed Church in Hungary’s new website for more stories.