Report from the UCCSA Mozambique Synod

Report from the UCCSA Mozambique Synod

The United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA) – Mozambique Synod sends the following update received in two portions in December 2009 and February 2010.

United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA)
Synod of Mozambique Report to Global Ministries
2009 Report

The United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA) – Mozambique Synod sends the following update received in two portions in December 2009 and February 2010:

Evangelism program

Between March and October 2009, the UCCSA in Mozambique held meetings and workshops with the intention of raising awareness and capacity for evangelism and church expansion for 2010-2012.  Meetings were held in Gaza Province, Maputo Province, and Inhambane Province.  Thirty individuals were trained on evangelism, literacy, and leadership and a theatrical group was created to encourage evangelism.  The group is made up of 12 youth.  In addition, Bibles, hymnals, and other Christian literature were distributed.

Between April and October, four new churches were launched.

The program is contributing to church growth through both numbers and the spirit of the people.  Most church members seem to be engaged in the evangelism programs.

The planned activities for the next year are as follows:

1.  Training of lay members who will be responsible for teaching doctrinal issues for new members as well as those who are preparing to be baptized.

2.  Training of monitors who will be responsible in teaching literacy to those who cannot read church liturgy and literature.

3.  Elementary Biblical training classes for Deacons and Evangelists in charge of some church extension points.

4.  Opening of new church extension points.


Funds received through Global Ministries were specifically used for:

Computer purchase – we had no electronic equipment after an office robbery, we felt it to be an urgent priority to buy a computer.

Communication – to help with office daily communication by the Synod Secretary and the Administrative Secretary.

Meetings – throughout the year — the Synod Secretary had to attend many UCCSA meetings in South Africa and Botswana.  Some of the trips to those meetings were financed by the money designated for administration.

Vehicle – the car allocated to the Synod Secretary has been in use for ten years now and, because of that, it needs constant maintenance.

Pastors’ Pensions 

The Synod is currently caring for eight pensioners of which five are retired ministers and three widows whose husbands were pastors and passed away after retirement.

There is no predetermined monthly amount stipulated.  They are given the money that is available.

We continue working on the pastors’ pension issue.