Pray with Thailand, November 28, 2021
Lectionary Selection: Luke 21:25-36
Prayers for Thailand
Lord Jesus Christ, we know that you suffered, not just one day, but every day of your ministry here. You knew the pain of all people, the longing, the despair, and not just our hard-heartedness and self-centeredness. And yet, love and mercy were, and are, always first with you. We ask, as we wait and long for your Kin-dom, your Realm, to come, that love and mercy would also come first in our hearts. Save us from the “days of punishment,” and give us the strength and compassion to be part of your saving work. Until the day you come with great power and splendor, Amen.

Mission Stewardship Moment from Thailand
As I write, we are preparing for the wedding of my fellow missionary on the Pastoral Team of Wattana (WATT-tuh-nah) Church, where I serve. Mr. Motan Konyak, from Nagaland, India, works as the Pastoral Assistant for English Language Ministries here, and we will celebrate with him and Ms. Suphaorn Rachatanich, even though no relatives from India will be able to join us. (COVID, of course.)
The Thai government has just eased the COVID-19 restrictions a bit this month. So, rather than limiting all public gatherings to five people, we are now permitted to hold gatherings of 25—all masked, vaccinated, and tested. This will be the first in-person worship service since Easter. I am to preside, and our former Senior Pastor will join us, to bring the sermon. After the wedding, all ministries will still be online.

I’m sure this sounds rather different from conditions in the U.S.A. Yes, COVID is raging in its Third Wave here. No one I know is complaining about the strictures. This is just what we must do together—most residents believe—to try to mitigate the danger for everyone.
On this First Sunday of Advent, I find that I am somewhat grateful for COVID. Shocking, I know. Still, this pandemic has become a kind of equalizer for the world. For the first time ever, the whole world realizes (mostly) that we are all hurting together. More, I would argue, than the world wars. Certainly, not all are suffering at equal rates. For example, people here want the vaccine and are still struggling to get it in many parts of the country. Yet, this pain we all share gives us a chance to open our hearts more than ever—to the whole world. The whole world that God loves.
Prayer and Mission Moment by Anne Gregory
Mission Partners in Thailand
Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Thailand:
Anne Gregory serves with the Church of Christ in Thailand. Her appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, and your special gifts.