Pray for Ecuador on Sunday, June 8, 2008
Lectionary Text and Prayers for Ecuador: Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
God who desires mercy, not sacrifice, we thank you for the work of our partners in Ecuador. We ask you to continue to empower them as they seek to reach out to the marginalized and the poorest of the poor as Jesus did throughout his ministry. We are grateful for those who have served you in Ecuador on behalf of the Disciples and UCC throughout the years. We think especially of Victor and Violet Vaca and we pray for Victor as he continues to grieve the passing of Violet. We thank you for those in our two denominations that walk closely with our partners in Ecuador, especially the Illinois South Conference and the Oregon Region. We ask your blessing on these partnership relationships. Amen
Illinois South Conference partnership
(Prayer by Bob Shebeck)
Global Ministries International Partners in Ecuador:
Centro Integral de la Familia (CIF)
Confraternidad Evangelica Ecuatoriana
Consejo de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indigenas Evangelicas del Ecuador (FEINE)
Fundacion Ecumenica Para el Desarrollo Integral Capacitacion-Education (FEDICE)
Iglesia Evangelica Unida delEcuador (IEUE)
La Asociacion Latinoamericana de Asesoramiento y Pastoral Familiar (EIRENE)
Global Ministries Missionary in Ecuador:
None at the present time