Pray for Guadeloupe & Martinique Sunday, December 25, 2011
Prayers for Guadeloupe and Martinique: Luke 2:1–14 (15–20)
Dear Lord, today we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. On this special day, we thank you for your gift of forgiveness and salvation which were manifested through the birth of your son.
Today we would like to pray especially for Guadeloupe and Martinique; two small islands struggling to define and affirm their cultural identities, their societal goals and their political future in the middle of the vast caribbean sea.
Inspire them to be open to the world and the myriad of peoples, ideas and cultures that are now circulting freely like never before. At the same time help them see clearly how to best fight economic and cultural oppression.
In face of continuing economic hardships, increasing violence and drug use and a rise in a communitarianism that excludes others, we ask you to send a breath of justice, sharing, and brotherly love onto our two islands.
We ask humbly that you continue to strengthen all Guadeloupians and Martiniqians who are struggling to build a more just society and we pray fervently that you send comfort and hope to those who are suffering.
Mission Moment from Guadeloupe:
Like many of the young men of Guadeloupe, Elvis, found himself on the rough streets of Guadeloupe at a young age and he was only twenty years old when he was arrested and sent to prison.
Through the prison chaplaincy and reinsertion program I was introduced to Elvis and we were able to meet on a regular basis. During my weekly visits at the prison of Basse Terre he and I were able to discuss many things, including the regrets of his past and his hopes and plans for the future. During his time in prison Elvis decided to try to turn his life around. He enrolled in classes offered by the prison and received the french equivalent of his GED last year. Because of his good behavior and hard work at school he was able to participate in several out of prison communaty service projects and was given a paid job as an assistant in the prison’s gym.
Working together with Elvis, his family, and several outside partners, we were able to help orient him towards a paid professional training program on one of the smaller islands that makes up the archipel of Guadeloupe. In november Elvis was released on parole and began his training program to become a licensed landscaper with a specialization in beach design and maintenance. So far his teachers are extremely pleased with his hard work and apptitude to learn and he is proud of the accomplishments he has done so far.
(Prayer and Mission Moment by Tim Rose)
Global Ministries International Partners in Guadeloupe and Martinique:
- The Protestant Reformed Church of Guadeloupe
- The Protestant Reformed Church of Martinique
For more info:
Global Ministries Missionary in Guadeloupe and Martinique:
Tim Rose, a member of the United Church of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, serves the Protestant Reformed Church in Guadeloupe and Martinique as the Pastoral Assistant for Diaconal Ministries and as a Prison Chaplain. He is jointly appointed by Global Ministries and the DEFAP (the mission agency of the Reformed and Lutheran Churches in France).
Pray for Partners without Global Ministries Mission Personnel: Iran
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