Pray for Nicaragua on Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pray for Nicaragua on Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lectionary Text and Prayer for Nicaragua: Mark 4:35-41

Most Gracious God:

We pray blessings on Nicaragua, this land of volcanoes, lakes and incredible natural beauty. Bless the people of Nicaragua who are as beautiful as the land.

We pray a special blessing on those who lift up the dignity of all your people. Bless those who look through the eyes of Jesus and see brothers and sisters in the impoverished and the malnourished. Bless those who empower women to claim their place at the table. Bless those who remind homeless children that they are loved by the great God of all creation. Bless those who proclaim a message of hope even in the midst of trouble.

Jesus spoke and even the winds and the waves obeyed him. O God, may Christ speak the words that calm the storms of economic disparity and political unrest. May the power of Christ work to end the chasm between rich and poor.

We thank you, O God, for the vitality of the church in Nicaragua. It works to bring justice to the oppressed and food for the hungry. It proclaims with joy the Good News of the Gospel. It is a gift to the church everywhere. Bless the churches of Nicaragua.


(Prayer written by Rev. Dick Clough)

Global Ministries International Partners:

  • Convencion de Iglesias Mision Cristiana de Nicaragua: The Christian Mission of Nicaragua, a grass roots national Pentecostal church, is committed to assisting the poor, not only with their spiritual needs, but also with development projects and leadership training.
  • Consejo de Iglesias Evangelicas Pro Alianza Denominacional (CEPAD): The Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua seeks to serve the poor through community development, work for peace and reconciliation, and by promoting the values of the Kingdom of God.
  • Acción Médica Cristiana: Medical Christian Action provides community based holistic healthcare. Global Ministries supports several community water projects.
  • Iglesia Morava: The Moravian Church works with Afro-Caribbean and indigenous populations on the country’s eastern coast.
  • Centro Inter-Eclesial de Estudios Teologicos y Sociales:
  • Centro Ecumenico Antonio Valdivieso:
  • Convencion Bautista de Nicaragua:
  • Seminario Teologico Bautista de Nicaragua:
  • Nicaraguan Protestant University (Universidad Evangelica Nicaraguense Martin Luther King, (UENIC-MLK):

Global Ministries Missionary:

None at the present time