Pray with Fiji, February 14, 2021

Pray with Fiji, February 14, 2021

fiji_rj_howard_received_3122287844547985.jpegLectionary Selection:  Mark 9:2-9

Prayers for Fiji

Jesus experiences a transfiguration before his Disciples to essentially become more than human while from above a voice proclaims his identity. The Disciples present become fixated on the physical location where this occurred. In many ways, we are like those Disciples – all too fixated on a single aspect of an experience liable to miss the broader meaning. Much like the Disciples, we are locked into focusing on our experiences and do not perceive what it means moving forward. We are able to find a guide much as the Disciples did – under advisement from the voice – through Jesus. We pray for the hope of finding the correct path and to keep our eyes and ears open for whatever message we may need to hear or pass on. Let us reach out to others and not be bogged down by preconceived notions on how things should be handled without understanding. Let us pray for Fiji and for the Pacific islands that recently faced extreme weather and will do so again, threatening lives and livelihoods. Let the injustices that happen both in and out of the public eye be addressed and reconciled.

fiji_rj_howard_received_826470911230025.jpegMission Stewardship Moment from Fiji

With the impact of climate change increasingly visible in the Pacific islands, the commitments that have been made to assist are ever more valuable, be they monetary commitment, time, self-educating, voicing support, or any number of other means. This is compounded under the pandemic as the world is busy coping in their own ways as other issues cannot and should not be overshadowed or be allowed to slip away from us. Involvement in the Pacific has helped to preserve culture, expand local supports and organizations, as well as help to strengthen the islands against the imminent threat of climate change. Sometimes quite literally, as an excursion by the Pacific Council of Churches (PCC) showed when they went to plant mangroves, a plant provides many ecosystem services including soil enrichment and erosion reduction. Providing support has a wider effect than might be initially assumed as well considering that few organizations stand alone, and this is especially true with PCC as they work with other groups and communities to maximize their efforts.

Prayer and Mission Moment by RJ Howard

Mission Partners in Fiji:

More information on Fiji

Global Ministries Mission Co-worker in Fiji:
Robert Howard serves with the Pacific Christian Council, Fiji. His appointment is made possible by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund, Our Church’s Wider Mission, WOC, and your special gifts.

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