Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Aug. 6, 2018

Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Aug. 6, 2018

Sabeel_logo_small.pngThe ‘Great March of Return’ protest continues into the nineteenth week, as Palestinians call for the right of return to their homeland. The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that, since the protest began, the Israeli forces have shot and killed 155 Palestinians and wounded over 17,000 including those affected by tear gas inhalation.

Lord, we continue to pray for the safety of the protestors and for them to continue to espouse non-violent means to achieve their demands. Lord, in your mercy…

Two Italian artists were arrested for painting a mural of the teenage Palestinian protestor Ahed Tamimi on the Separation Wall in Bethlehem. They were forced to leave the country on Monday, the 30th of July after the Israeli authorities revoked their visas. They have been barred from returning to the country for ten years.

Lord we give thanks for all those prepared to use their artistic gifts to show their support for the Palestinian people living under occupation. Lord, in your mercy…

Palestinians continue to challenge the nation-state law passed by Israel’s Knesset. The law restricts the right to self determination inside the state of Israel to Jews only without defining the borders of the state. This would close the door to any peaceful resolution to the conflict. Palestinian citizens of Israel already find themselves treated as second-class citizens and now the force of constitutional law has been imposed upon them to further entrench discriminatory practices.

Lord, we continue to pray for justice for all the people in our land. ‘O Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed’ (Psalm10:17-18). Lord, in your mercy…

The “1001 Laughs Palestine Comedy Festival” will take place this August. Palestinian stand-up comedians will perform for five nights in Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Bethlehem.

Lord, as we stumble through this life, help us to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom and spread more cheer than despair. We pray that such events will bring joy to our communities. Lord, in your mercy…

The Al Kamandjâti Association organized a choir festival from the 22nd of July to the 1st of August called ‘Singing for Jerusalem’ which was performed by international choirs, as well as singers and musicians from across Palestine. This has been followed by the Ramallah Orchestra Tour performing in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus and Ramallah from the 1st to the 5th of August. The choirs joined the orchestra to perform Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony for the first time it has ever been performed in Palestine. In this orchestra talented Palestinian students are given the opportunity to perform side-by-side with renowned musicians from Palestine, Europe and America.

We give thanks for the resilience of the Palestinian spirit as expressed in the performing arts . We pray especially for the work of the Al-Kamandjâti association and the opportunities it is providing to nurture young Palestinian musicians. Lord, in your mercy…

Sabeel is organizing an international witness visit from the 30th of October to the 7th of November 2018 with the invitation to ‘Come and See’.

Lord, we pray that those who take part in the visit will open their eyes and hearts to discover how Palestinians are constrained to live under Israeli occupation .  We pray that the visitors will return home with a vision to work for justice and peace for this troubled land. Lord, in your mercy…

Last week, Sabeel held a one day retreat for the Nablus and Rafidia Bible study groups. The 26 young people taking part in the retreat visited the cities of Yafa, Lid and Ramleh.

Lord, we give thanks for the young people who continue to gather around your Word and whose hearts are open to your message. We continue to pray for all the Bible study groups and the facilitators who lead them. Lord, in your mercy…

We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of  Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea …..