Sabeel Wave of Prayer, Week of Dec. 1, 2015

Sabeel Wave of Prayer, Week of Dec. 1, 2015

Wave of Prayer: This prayer ministry enables local and international friends of Sabeel to pray over regional concerns on a weekly basis. Sent to Sabeel’s network of supporters, the prayer is used in services around the world and during Sabeel’s Thursday Communion service; as each community in its respective time zone lifts these concerns in prayer at noon every Thursday, this “wave of prayer” washes over the world.

Oh, City of Jerusalem, as I walk by your grieving streets and empty roads, my heart weeps. The livelihood of Jerusalem is no longer there. The people are afraid and the Old City is silent with the abandonment of her children. Please, God, bring peace to the city. Give it back its glory, its life. Let the Jerusalem wall melt the eyes of hatred and enmity and replace fear and hatred with an atmosphere of reconciliation amongst all who live there.

Lord, in your mercy………..

God of Mercy, the occupation takes its daily toll on all who live here, but perhaps the people who are most deeply affected are the mothers and women who not only feel the responsibility of nurturing and care for families and children, but also, because of the ongoing oppression , feel the burden of trying to raise a generation whose hearts are not blackened by hatred, anger and despair. Lord, we give you thanks for Palestinian women, and especially mothers. We are inspired by their example and we pray that you continue to strengthen them with your love, hope and presence.

Lord, in your mercy………..

Lord, as the Climate Summit gets underway this week in France, we are reminded to pray for all of your creation. Pope Francis, in his encyclical, “Laudato Si’,” (Praise Be to You) challenged us with the responsibility of caring for, protecting, overseeing and preserving Your creation. Here in Palestine and Israel, we sometimes forget that the occupation has also caused great damage to the land and the environment and not just the people. The Wall has destroyed agricultural land on both sides, thousands of olive trees have been uprooted and damaged, the West Bank is being used as a “garbage dump” for Israeli waste. Your creation groans under the weight of occupation, waiting also to be liberated and restored. Help us to make decisions that protect all that you have given us.

Lord, in your mercy………….

Lord, we have entered the Season of Advent, and as the first candle was lit this past Sunday, we were reminded of the hope of your coming and the hope that we hold in our hearts for justice and peace, here and around the world. We ask special prayers for Sabeel’s Advent program on December 8 as the women travel to the town of Taybeh, outside of Ramallah, for a time of reflection at the Latin Church, followed by a visit to the Home for the Elderly. May your hope and love be felt by all who take part.

Lord, in your mercy………..

We pray alongside the World Council of Churches for the countries of Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Lord, in your mercy………..