Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Nov. 20, 2017
The USA State Department has threatened to shut down the Palestine Liberation Organisation’s office in Washington DC. According to a State Department official, the decision follows moves by the Palestinians to bring Israel before the International Criminal Court.
Lord, grant us the power not to surrender to the bullying of empire, but the courage to challenge the tyranny of the powerful. We pray that the path towards Justice is not compromised for the sake of an office in Washington. Lord in your mercy….
Last Wednesday, Sabeel organized a tour for 15 of our Bible Study Facilitators in the City of Yafa. The trip’s purpose was to learn about Yafa and its history and to provide a chance to strengthen networks and friendships. Also Saturday, Sabeel Nazareth organized a solidarity visit to Hebron for 50 people from the community.
Lord, we thank you for the work of Sabeel and its different ministries. We pray for the well being of all our participants, our volunteers and the Sabeel staff. Grant us God the power to continue the work so we may contribute to the coming of your kingdom. Lord in your mercy…
Members of Congress have introduced a bill to prevent U.S. tax dollars from paying for human rights violations against Palestinian children during the course of Israeli military detention. Israel is the only country in the world that systematically prosecutes an estimated 500 to 700 children each year in military courts that lack fundamental fair trial rights and protections.
God of peace and justice, we are thankful for this intervention, and pray that reforms are implemented to end violence against our children. We pray for an end to this unethical Israeli occupation. Lord in your mercy …
Parliamentarians, legal experts, journalists, and activists, from 24 EU countries met in Brussels, for the first European conference on Israeli settlement activity. Settlements are illegal under International Law, and terminate all chances for a two-state solution. The conference accused Israel of establishing an “apartheid regime” in the West Bank, and called EU countries to match their words with deeds, and to reject Israeli policies of ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
Lord, we are thankful for all the people of good will who speak truth to power. We pray that the words of the participants of the EU conference will open the eyes of the Israeli decision makers that the world refuses to be silent towards the injustice in Palestine. Lord in your mercy ……
Following recent agreement between Fatah and Hamas, and in the run-up to a meeting of all Palestinian factions in Cairo on 21 November, the E U is continuing its support of current efforts to reunite Gaza and the West Bank under one single and legitimate Palestinian Authority.
God, please be with all parties as they approach the meeting on the 21st that your will of forgiveness and reconciliation be done. Lord unify thoughts and decisions, and invoke peace through the Spirit. Lord in your mercy …..
The Israeli municipality in Jerusalem plans to demolish six large buildings, allegedly built without the impossible to obtain building permits. Hundreds of Palestinians will be evacuated from their homes in the neighborhood of Kufr Aqab, Demolitions come in light of a plan to build 10,000 settlement units on occupied West Bank lands adjacent to the neighborhood of Kufr Aqab.
Lord, the evil of the Israeli military occupation has no boundaries. Our Palestinian people continue to be displaced and pushed away from our rightful lands to make space for the greed of the Israeli settlers. We pray for more courage to continue resisting the racist decisions of the powerful in Israel. Lord in your mercy…
We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines. Lord in your mercy…