Sabeel Wave of Prayer: Week of Sept. 4, 2017
On Monday, September 4th2017, the National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine (NCCOP), a coalition of 36 organizations, met in the Bethlehem area to improve coordination and networking.
Lord, we give thanks for a successful meeting and for the strengthened fellowship. We pray for the spirit of cooperation to continue so we may stand stronger to serve our Palestinian community living under occupation.
Leader: Lord in your mercy…
People: Hear our prayers
In Jerusalem, Palestinian and international organizations are facing increased pressure from the Israeli bank sector. The new bank restrictions appear to be politically motivated and aim to limit the work of the civil society in Israeli occupied East Jerusalem. This Thursday, Sabeel is organizing a meeting for non-governmental organizations to consult and coordinate ways to face the challenge.
Lord, the powerful continue to plot against the marginalized. We pray for the strengthening of the Palestinian civil society and the continuity of their work in East Jerusalem. Dear God, grant the different organizations the wisdom and courage to remove the obstacles that hinder their important work. Lord in your mercy…
Last week, Mohannad Yunis, a twenty four year old writer, committed suicide at his home in Gaza. Mohannad, was extremely talented and his work was very popular among Palestinian young people.
Lord, help us cast away the demons of depression and hopelessness in Gaza. We pray for the family of Mohannad and all the people of Gaza who live under the Israeli military siege. May the memory of Mohannad and his work be eternal and deliver hope in the midst of hopelessness. Lord in your mercy…
The local school at Al Khan Al Ahmar, a Palestinian Bedouin community in Jerusalem, is under the threat of demolition from the Israeli authorities. 175 students attend the school from different Palestinian communities. Israel blocks the roads to the school and deprives it from electricity and water forcing the students to learn under unbearable conditions. Many students are forced to use underground tunnels, intended for sewage systems, to make their way to school.
Lord, although we are reminded that you walk with the students on the way to school, yet we fear for their safety from Israeli soldiers and settlers. Dear God, we know you are the light of the world, yet the classrooms are dark and miserable. We pray for an end to the Israeli occupation that continues to show no mercy to our Palestinian people. Lord in your mercy…
During the past month the world has witnessed many devastating natural disasters like the floods in South Asia, the floods in Texas and the fires in California.
Lord, we pray for a generation of leaders with the courage to take responsibility for our changing climate, and the part we play in it. Dear God, we intercede for politicians and leaders – cause them to act in the best interests of all nations today, and all peoples in the future, in order to avoid catastrophic changes. Lord in your mercy…
We join the World Council of Churches in praying for the countries of Benin, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo. Lord, in your mercy…