Sabika Learned How to Earn
Sabika Learned How to Earn
Church of Bangladesh Social Development Program
Community Development Project, Bangladesh
Sabika Mondal lives at Munshir Talluk village of the Barisal District. She and her husband are both day laborers. They have two sons and one daughter. As both of them work on a day to day basis, when there is not work in the field, she works at a neighbor’s house as a servant. With all this and poverty, they were living hand to mouth.
In 2004, the Community Development Project (CDP) formed a women’s group and Sebika became a member. She generated savings regularly according to the group’s policy. Within a year, she received a 2000 taka* credit from the office and started a rice husking business. From the earnings from rice husking and as a day laborer, she paid back the loan according to the schedule and took a second time credit of 6000 taka for a grocery shop, mini-poultry, and small-scale cow rearing. She is now earning enough to pay off her credit and keeps savings through selling poultry birds and cow milk.
Sabika received training in income generation and development. Sabika’s husband helps her in all activities. As a result they can afford their children’s educational expenses. The economic situation of her family is improving gradually. She and her husband both work hard for the family. Hard work and awareness have improved her family situation. Now she intends to move ahead with this positive change and she feels happy now.
*$1.00 U.S. = approximately 69 taka.
Church of Bangladesh Social Development Program
In 2004, the Community Development Project (CDP) formed a women’s group and Sebika became a member. She generated savings regularly according to the group’s policy. Within a year, she received a 2000 taka* credit from the office and started a rice husking business. From the earnings from rice husking and as a day laborer, she paid back the loan according to the schedule and took a second time credit of 6000 taka for a grocery shop, mini-poultry, and small-scale cow rearing. She is now earning enough to pay off her credit and keeps savings through selling poultry birds and cow milk. Sabika received training in income generation and development. Sabika’s husband helps her in all activities. As a result they can afford their children’s educational expenses. The economic situation of her family is improving gradually. She and her husband both work hard for the family. Hard work and awareness have improved her family situation. Now she intends to move ahead with this positive change and she feels happy now. *$1.00 U.S. = approximately 69 taka. Learn More about this project |