The parting of the clouds in the Kei Region, South Africa

The parting of the clouds in the Kei Region, South Africa

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending upon him. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.’”      Mark 1: 9-11

“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending upon him. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.’”      Mark 1: 9-11

The Kei Region of South Africa received its first mission team in March 2005. The mission team came from Country Club Christian Church, Kansas City, Missouri. They were an eager group of 12 with various gifts and abilities and were here for two weeks. And in that two weeks time, they, and we feel, that the heavens were parted and the Spirit of God blessed this region and Country Club Christian Church.

This wasn’t just any mission trip. It was a learning experience and a cultural exchange. The group did work. They helped to convert a chicken coop into a tea garden at an HIV/AIDS training center. The tea garden will help generate income for the project, but also allow the trainees to sell items that they have made. The group also did some brick laying to build up the lounge area for the trainees to relax during their training sessions. This was the laboring part of their mission. The other part of the mission was getting to know the South African people. The team spent the night in both a black Xhosa speaking village and in a colored Afrikaans-speaking township. They worshiped, prayed and experienced South African church life. The 12 even got to view some of the amazing wild life up close and personal. Lives were changed, worldviews were enhanced, and the heavens were parted.

Many questions were tossed about from both the Americans and the South Africans and they learned what life is like on both sides of the ocean. New languages were given a shot, new foods were tasted, different worship styles were experienced, music was learned, and faces were imprinted on minds that will never fade. And this happened for both groups that were a part of this mission.

On one of the last work nights while the group was here, we had a celebration, a braai as it is called here in South Africa. There was lots of meat, lots of singing and lots of laughter and chatter. But one of the most memorable things of the evening was the group, all of the group – black, white, and colored – dancing and singing together. The pastor of Country Club, Rev. Glen Miles, commented, “This is just a little glimpse of heaven!”  Indeed it was  – just a glimpse! All of God’s children rejoicing together, hand in hand with one voice. As the Scripture says in Mark, at Jesus’ baptism, “the heavens were torn apart and the Spirit descended” and so it was during this two weeks in South Africa. May God call again from the heavens and say to both Country Club and to the Kei Region of South Africa, “You are my Beloved, with you I am well pleased.”

Revs. Dawn & Jon Barnes

Jonathan and Dawn Barnes are missionaries with the Kei Regional Council of the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, South Africa. Jonathan serves in pastoral ministries among the churches in the region. Dawn serves in pastoral ministries and social work.