Whistling Lady

Whistling Lady

Every day of good weather, we are able to see our ’whistling lady’ out on  the Vaci Utca, begging for money.  Always she is dressed in heavy winter clothing, her grey hair and shiny blue eyes belying the between-teeth whistle she uses instead of speech to get folks to notice her.  Actually, because of cameras posted high at each corner, beggars and street-women and foreign peddlars should be cautious about plying their trades because the police are authorized to move them on out.  But our lady appears quite innocuous and continues her ’work’ on Budapest’s most touristed street.

Every day of good weather, we are able to see our ’whistling lady’ out on  the Vaci Utca, begging for money.  Always she is dressed in heavy winter clothing, her grey hair and shiny blue eyes belying the between-teeth whistle she uses instead of speech to get folks to notice her.  Actually, because of cameras posted high at each corner, beggars and street-women and foreign peddlars should be cautious about plying their trades because the police are authorized to move them on out.  But our lady appears quite innocuous and continues her ’work’ on Budapest’s most touristed street.

What we most appreciate seeing of her are the days when she joins us in our OTP Bank, and proceeds to pull bag after bag out of her layers of clothing; she is there to make a deposit to her bank account and does a thorough job of that too.  She is one of the very few on-pension persons in Town who has continued to work.
Coralyn T. Medyesy,  Missionary in Hungary

Coralyn Medyesy is a missionary with the Reformed Church in Hungary, based in Budapest, Hungary.  She serves as a Teacher of Social Work and Diakonia at the Nagy Koros School.