150 Years of Inanda Seminary

150 Years of Inanda Seminary

Did you know that for more than 150 years our church has been in relationship with partner churches and organizations all over the world?

IMG_0043DawnBarnes.JPGDid you know that for more than 150 years our church has nurtured and maintained those relationships?

Did you know that as your church gives to Our Church’s Wider Mission and One Great Hour of Sharing (UCC) and Disciples Mission Fund and Week of Compassion (Disciples), you support mission partners around the world, some being 150 years old?

Did you know that one such mission partnership is turning 150 years old on March 1, 2019?

For 150 years, Inanda Seminary High School (Inanda Township, Durban, South Africa) has been empowering black females through high quality education and leadership training.

For 150 years Inanda Seminary has instilled Christian values and an African ethos.

For 150 years Inanda Seminary has provided a holistic experience for its students by focusing on intellectual, social, spiritual and physical development and growth.

Inanda_Seminary_Seniors_2010.JPGThis has resulted in 150 years of top black female leaders in politics, academia and business exemplifying the school motto, Shine Where You Are.

In 1999, the late former president Nelson Mandela, recognized the importance of Inanda Seminary through securing corporate sponsorship to invest in the school to ensure that it would reach 150 years and beyond.

Inanda Seminary is embarking on a multi-purpose center that will extend its reach into the local government township schools through a teacher development and student tutorial program. Join with Inanda Seminary in extending this 150 year journey.

If you would like to celebrate this 150 year legacy and ensure it continues for 150 more years, Global Ministries welcomes gifts for Inanda Seminary in honor of their 150th anniversary.

Continue reading about the work of Inanda Seminary in South Africa here.