3rd Thursday Action Alert: Urge Members of Congress to attend an important briefing on Israeli settlement expansion

3rd Thursday Action Alert: Urge Members of Congress to attend an important briefing on Israeli settlement expansion

While the Israeli/Palestinian situation is often deemed intractable, concern for neighbor compels people of faith to act in hope. Take action today to raise awareness about the suffering in the region and what the US can do about it.


A Briefing on the Village of Wadi Foquin
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
12 Noon to 2 p.m.
B338 –Rayburn House Office Building


Ahmad Sokar, Mayor of Wadi Foquin
Kifah Manasra, PhD Al Estiklal University
Shukri Radaydeh, Director, Bethlehem Local Governorate
Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, General Secretary, United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society

Sponsored by:

Friends of Wadi Foquin
General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
Faith Forum on Middle East Policy
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
Churches for Middle East Peace
Click here for more information

Urge your members of Congress to attend this important briefing spotlighting one West Bank village – Wadi Foquin– as an example of how the Israeli occupation affects ordinary people.

Contact your members of Congress today and ask them to:

Attend this important briefing to learn about the consequences of Israeli settlement expansion and how US policy can play a constructive role in promoting a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians.

Speak and act for an end to the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian land.

Feel free to use the letter below, or click here to generate an automatic letter sent to your representative.


Sample Letter:

Dear Senator/Representative,

I am writing to urge you to attend an important briefing spotlighting one West Bank village – Wadi Foquin– as an example of how the Israeli occupation affects ordinary people. The briefing will be held Tuesday, February 23, 2016 from noon to 2 PM in B338 of the Rayburn House Office Building. More information can be found at http://www.friendsofwadifoquin.com/. Featuring panelists from the village, the briefing will be an opportunity to learn about the suffering in the region and what the US can do to address it.

As a person of faith, I believe in the importance of working to preserve life and to prevent further suffering and that Congress can play a constructive role in this regard by supporting policies that foster a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians.

I hope that you will be able to attend the briefing to learn about the consequences of Israeli settlement expansion and what the US can do. In addition I urge you to speak and act for an end to the Israeli occupation of all Palestinian land.

With gratitude for your service,