A call to prayer for Egypt-UPDATED

A call to prayer for Egypt-UPDATED

[The situation in Egypt continues to develop with demonstrators throughout the country calling for change.  The following appeal for prayer was issued this morning by the Fellowship of the Middle East Evangelical Churches.  Please continue your prayers for the people of Egypt, and for their future.

These are, indeed, hard trying moments in the history of the churches of the Middle East in general, especially to the churches in Egypt these days, as they face the “unknown” – a word used by all who could be contacted (after strenuous attempts) expressing their fears and worries about the situation; yet affirming their Faith that God is the Lord of history, the portion and cup of their inheritance, maintaining their lot (Ps16.5). This is our apostolic faith – we who live in areas of turmoil and uncertainty.

Churches of the Middle East have undergone all manifestations of trials during their history, as of a blazing furnace, and come stronger than ever, testifying to the presence of that “whose form is like the Son of God” (Dan. 3:25) amongst and with them. Right now we are very worried about the flock of Christ, and the people, in Egypt. We feel impotent, being aware that they have been subject to these kinds of fears and uncertainties for decades, without any practical steps from the Free World – so called by many “the Christian World”!

We – in the churches of FMEEC – call upon you all to join us in this prayer – as individuals, and as congregations:

Dear Father and Lord, even the Father of our Savior Jesus Christ; the One who is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8); the One with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning (Js 1:17); we beseech thee to look upon your Flock in Egypt through the stripes of Jesus; 

   Maintain their Faith;
   Assure them of your Presence and compassion;
   Make these trying times rich moments of learning about, and experiencing, your Love;
   Preserve unflinching the Testimony of your Gospel in their lives;
   Grant them safety of Body, and Peace of Soul;
   Teach us, and them, how to pray, especially in these trying moments.

Oh, Holy Spirit of God – the Comforter, help the infirmity of our feeble prayers, and make intersession for your saints in Egypt according to the will of God;

For we pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – Amen

UPDATE, Feb. 2: Requests for prayers also come from the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services and the Synod of the Nile of the Evangelical Church of Egypt.]

UPDATE, Feb. 3: The World Student Christian Federation invites you to join together in fasting (skipping lunch or another meal) and prayer tomorrow, Friday, February, 4, 2011, at 12 noon for Egypt.  Send your prayers to God in your own languages and traditions, and in our yown time zones, thereby holding a concerted prayer vigil that will go throughout the day and reflect the diversity of our ecumenical family.