Australia CWF Celebration 2006

Australia CWF Celebration 2006

Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do. Proverbs: 4:23

ImageBeneath the banner, “Heartline: Beating Strong and Steady,” Australia’s National CWF* Celebration 2006 connected more than 150 Churches of Christ women from around Australia. Two bus loads traveled down from Queensland, a 3-4 day road trip to the North. For three rousing days, 19-21 October, we worshiped, studied, and conversed together at Monash Church of Christ, just outside Melbourne. Speakers focused on “A Heart for God,” “Our Heart for Others,” and “God’s Heart for Us.”

Liturgical dancers mesmerized us.

Church music teams moved us.

Testimonies inspired us.

ImageJacqui Bunch, President of Global Women Concerned, traveled from Columbus, Ohio, USA, to bring greetings and to report on the Columbia Women’s Network Project.

Thank you for being with us in prayer!


Tod & Ana Gobledale

*Christian Women’s Fellowship

ImageLearn more about CCTC at

The Gobledales serve the Common Global Ministries Board at Churches of Christ Theological College (Seminary) in Australia. Currently, their son, Mandla, attends Occidental College in Los Angeles, and their daughter, Thandiwe, has begun a 2-year appointment with Global Ministries at the Family Village Farm near Vellore, India.
